The world’s first entirely computer-animated feature film, Toy Story, was created and shown in 1995. Since then, Pixar Animation Studios has been creating many groundbreaking popular films. But how do people at Pixar use their creativity, imagination, artistry and computer technology to introduce a new medium for storytelling?
With more than 50 fun and engaging interactive exhibits, maquettes, models, and videos, the exhibition is organised into eight sections, each focusing on a step of Pixar’s technical process. Besides informative and enlightening videos, you will experience different roles within the production pipeline, through interactive elements providing a behind-the-scenes immersive look at these processes. And don’t forget that there are many of your favourite Pixar film characters here, including Buzz Lightyear and Dory, waiting to take a picture with you!
Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum
Produced by the Museum of Science, Boston in collaboration with Pixar Animation Studios
Fully supported by The Walt Disney Company (Hong Kong) Limited