Photo Highlights
Last wild picture
These 14-month-old Bengal tiger cubs, cooling off in the Patpara Nala watering hole in Bandhavgarh National Park, have between them killed three people. But the authorities didn’t put them down. Instead they captured them and moved them to a facility for ‘problem’ tigers in Bhopal, from which they will never be released.
Treading water
While making a film about giant otters in Cocha Salvador, Peru, Charlie grew to know this four-month-old cub well. ‘He was full of personality,’ says Charlie. This portrait was taken lying down in a boat, and the cub was as curious about Charlie as Charlie was about it, craning its neck while treading water.
Turtle gem
Armeñime, a small cove off the coast of Tenerife, is a hotspot for green sea turtles, which come to forage on the plentiful seagrass. Jordi cruised with this one in the clear water. ‘The dazzling colours and textured patterns were mesmerising,’ says Jordi, ‘and I was able to compose a picture showing just how beautiful this marine treasure is’.
Squatting in the middle of the snow-covered road was what looked like a lump of puffed-up black. As John drove slowly towards it, he realised it was a raven. ‘It just sat there, looking as though it had just got out of bed. Looking through the images afterwards, I laughed out loud.’
The glance
Two young Sulawesi crested macaques were enjoying a boisterous game with an older, stronger male. When they huddled briefly together, Jami snatched a close-up. As she did, the older male threw her a challenging look. ‘I didn’t take it lightly,’ Jami says, and she quickly withdrew to a safe distance.
Fairy Lake fir
The area around Port Renfrew has been heavily logged, so for Adam this miniature Douglas fir growing in the middle of Fairy Lake was symbolic. ‘It always amazes me how resilient nature is and what a tenacious existence some plants live.’ Adam focussed on the tree, to exclude the vegetation around the lake, and waited for a mirror-still moment.
Lookout for lions
Charlie was filming lions when he came across these cheetahs. They too were watching the lions. ‘Once the danger had gone,’ Charlie says, ‘they relaxed into a gloriously mirrored pose, in the middle of a curved rock, under a symmetry of clouds’. Charlie photographed them with a converted infrared camera, to turn the azure sky dark and dramatic.